Turistično informacijski center Zagorje ob Savi


Fountain with a bronze fibula
By the crossroads with a traffic light, in front of the town marketplace “Under the Clock”, there is a square with a fountain that includes a larger replica of a fibula that has become a symbol of our town. The decoration represents a larger version of a belt buckle from the Hallstatt period that was found in Zagorje at the end of the 19th century.
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Zagorje purification plant
The Zagorje purification plant has the shape of a ship, and as such it is definitely a special monument of the Zagorje municipality. When the weather is favourable and there is no wind, the sail on the mast is rolled down – it has the municipality emblem on one side and a silhouette of the local cyclist Primož Roglič on the other.
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Zasavska Sveta gora (Holy Mountain of Zasavje)
Zasavska Sveta gora (852 m) is a hill offering gorgeous views. It is located on the left bank of the Sava river, between Zagorje ob Savi and Litija. On Sveta gora, there is also a mountain hut Planinski dom na Zasavski gori as well as a Church of Mary’s Birth which is located at the hill’s rocky summit. Even before the church was built, there was supposedly a pagan temple at the location. At the end of the 15th century, the church was surrounded by a wall with a camp and protected by a defensive tower that today serves as an independent bell tower. The current church was built in 1753.
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Cultural centre Delavski dom (Worker’s Hall) Zagorje
Cultural centre Delavski dom Zagorje has been the cultural centre of the Zagorje ob Savi municipality since 1960. It is a very important culture-related factor inside and outside of Zasavje, and the program offered by this “temple of culture” often goes beyond the municipality limits.
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  • Concert, festival
  • Theater
  • Education
  • Culinary
  • Culture
  • Youth
  • Event
  • Various
  • Fair, market place
  • Sports
  • Course, workshop, lecture
  • For kids
  • Business
    There are no events entered in the displayed period.